

Associazione Italiana Fonderie


In questa sezione sono consultabili le principali pubblicazioni edite negli anni da Assofond, suddivise per canale tematico. Alcuni dei materiali presenti in queste pagine sono visibili soltanto alle aziende associate e pertanto non appaiono nell'elenco che appare agli utenti non registrati al portale o che non appartengono alle fonderie associate.

Indietro Molestie olfattive: la riduzione delle emissioni a bassa soglia olfattiva originate dai processi di fonderia

Si è verificato un errore nell'elaborarazione del modello.
The value you try to list is an extended_hash (wrapper: com.liferay.portal.template.freemarker.internal.LiferayTemplateModel), thus you must specify two loop variables after the "as"; one for the key, and another for the value, like <#... as k, v>).

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #list DownloadFieldSet as node  [in template "20115#20151#42545" at line 51, column 13]
1<#assign httpComponentsUtil = staticUtil["com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.HttpComponentsUtil"] > 
3<#assign serviceContext = staticUtil["com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContextThreadLocal"].getServiceContext()> 
4<#assign themeDisplay = serviceContext.getThemeDisplay() /> 
5<#assign currentUrl = themeDisplay.getPortalURL() + themeDisplay.getURLCurrent() /> 
6<#-- FIXED  
7<#assign currentUrl = httpUtil.removeParameter(currentUrl, 'redirect') /> 
9<#assign currentUrl = httpComponentsUtil.removeParameter(currentUrl, 'redirect') /> 
11<meta name="twitter:image" content="${themeDisplay.getPortalURL()}${.vars['reserved-article-small-image-url'].data}"> 
13<article class="pubblication"> 
14    <div class="h2"> 
15        <span class="header-back-to"> 
16            <a onClick="window.history.go(-1)" style="text-decoration:none"> 
17                <svg aria-hidden="true" class="lexicon-icon lexicon-icon-angle-left"> 
18                    <use xlink:href="${themeDisplay.getPathThemeImages()}/lexicon/icons.svg#angle-left"></use> 
19                </svg> 
20            </a> 
21        </span> 
22        <span class="header-title"> 
23            <#if Titolo.getData() !=''> 
24                ${Titolo.getData()} 
25            <#else> 
26                ${.vars['reserved-article-title'].data} 
27            </#if> 
28        </span> 
29    </div> 
30    <#if Testo.getData() !=''> 
31        ${Testo.getData()} 
32    </#if> 
33    ${IframeIssuu.getData()} 
34    <#if Download.getData() !=''> 
35        <div class="download"> 
36            <#list Download.getSiblings() as node> 
37                <div> 
38                    <a href="${node.getData()}" target="_blank" class="btn btn-secondary"> 
39                        <i class="fas fa-download"></i> 
40                        <#if node.LabelBottone.getData() !=''> 
41                            ${node.LabelBottone.getData()} 
42                        <#else> 
43                            <@liferay.language key="download" /> 
44                        </#if> 
45                    </a> 
46                </div> 
47            </#list> 
48        </div> 
49    <#elseif DownloadFieldSet?has_content> 
50        <div class="download"> 
51            <#list DownloadFieldSet as node> 
52                <div> 
53                    <a href="${node.Download.getData()}" target="_blank" class="btn btn-secondary"> 
54                        <i class="fas fa-download"></i> 
55                        <#if node.LabelBottone.getData() !=''> 
56                            ${node.LabelBottone.getData()} 
57                        <#else> 
58                            <@liferay.language key="download" /> 
59                        </#if> 
60                    </a> 
61                </div> 
62            </#list> 
63        </div> 
64    </#if> 
65    <div class="social"> 
66        <span> 
67            <#if themeDisplay.getLanguageId() == "it_IT"> 
68                Condividi su 
69            <#else> 
70                Share on 
71            </#if> 
72        </span> 
73        <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-text="Assofond - ${.vars['reserved-article-title'].data}">Tweet</a> <script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');</script> 
75        <script src="//" type="text/javascript"> lang: it_IT</script> 
76            <script type="IN/Share" data-url="${currentUrl}"></script> 
77    </div> 