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CIME moves towards a future of innovation and sustainability
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CIME S.r.l., a long-estabilished italian company specialized in the construction of induction systems for melting and casting, announces a significant phase of renewal and forward-looking expansion.

Regarding shareholder composition, Alessandro Crescenzi is joined by Anna Cavenaghi, co-owner of the chemical company that carries her family name, which is well-known in the foundry industry.
Moreover, the entry into the management team of Elena Crescenzi and Chiara Viganò, representing the third generation of the respective owning families, is a strategic move that ensures a commitment to innovation and business continuity, laying a solid foundation for future growth.

CIME is implementing a policy of sustainable growth, focusing on the recruitment of talented young engineers tasked with the research and development of innovative electronic machinery. These efforts are aimed at the green and renewable energy sectors, along with creating equipment for melting new metals that are becoming increasingly prevalent due to the global shift towards decarbonization. This strategy underscores CIME’s commitment to advancing technologies in metal melting, catering to the industry's evolving demands while simultaneously driving towards a greener and more sustainable future.

By innovating and nurturing young talent, CIME distinguishes itself with a sustainability-first approach, seamlessly blending technological advancement with environmental responsibility.
The future of CIME is bright and green: a commitment to sustainable innovation and equity, for a tomorrow that respects both the planet and its people.