Energy Release 2.0: Deadline Extended to March 3 and Eligibility List Expanded
With the latest update to the call for applications, foundries included in the list of energy-intensive companies for 2025 (but not in 2024) can also join the Energy Release mechanism to reduce energy costs by March 3. Full details on the measure and the support Assofond provides to its members are available on Assofond.it.
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Assofond Economic Survey: 2024 Ends with a New Decline in Production Trends
In the period from October to December 2024, the industrial production of Italian foundries shows a trend decrease of -8.9% compared to the same quarter in 2023. The economic situation is stagnant, and no signs of a short-term turnaround are visible (only registered users can read the article. Italian language only)
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RENTRI Now in Effect: Registration Required by February 13 for Waste Producers with Over 50 Employees
As of December 15, 2024, the RENTRI system (National Electronic Register for Waste Traceability) is officially in effect. By February 13, all producers of hazardous and non-hazardous waste with over 50 employees, as well as professional waste management operators, are required to register. Full details and the necessary procedures can be found on assofond.it (content available exclusively for Assofond member companies - Italian language only)
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The New ATECO 2025 Classification is in Effect: What Changes for Businesses?
Istat has developed the new ATECO 2025 classification, which has been in effect since January 1 and will be officially adopted starting April 1. The new classification must be used for all requirements, not only for statistical purposes but also for administrative ones (content available exclusively for Assofond member companies - Italian language only)
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The new issue of "In Fonderia" magazine is available online
This year’s sixth issue of 'In Fonderia', the bilingual magazine of the Italian Association of Foundries, is now available to view and download. The cover story of this issue focuses on the latest edition of Assofond’s annual foundry balance sheet analysis: a comprehensive report offering insights into the foundry industry’s overall and core operational profitability, financial solvency, and balance sheet strength
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37th Foundry Technical Congress: Videos and Presentations from the Event Now Online
The complete report on the latest edition of the 37th Foundry Technical Congress has been published on Assofond.it. The event featured four days of webinars, an in-person conference, and over 50 speakers, making it the most important Italian event dedicated to professional development for technical professionals in the foundry industry (Italian language only)
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New Assofond consultancy service for ecological transition launched
Assofond has developed a dedicated service for member foundries that can provide all-round advice on everything to do with ecological transition thanks to the contribution of specialised partners and consultants (only Assofond member companies can read the article - Italian language only)
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Foundries: at the heart of circular economy
Foundries are a central element of the circular economic model: these companies recast scrap metal to create new products, which in turn can be 100% recycled at the end of their life cycle (Italian language only)
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Foundries are behind more than you imagine
Foundries produce essential components to make cars, the agricultural machinery needed to plant crops in food-producing fields, hydraulic pumps, wind and hydroelectric plants, jet engines for planes and much more (Italian language only)
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Assofond: your partner in business
Assofond promotes the competitiveness of Italian foundries, represents members' interests in discussions with government bodies and provides support in the following areas: administrative, commercial, economic, tax-related, regulatory, technical, EHS (Italian language only)
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